Welcome to Domino English Learning Centre Karachi. Pakistan No.1 English Language Teaching Institution.

Proficiency levels

There is a worldwide standard for describing language proficiency called the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It employs a six-point scale, with A1 for beginners and C2 for language learners, to describe language competency. Anyone involved in language instruction and assessment, including students and teachers, is able to swiftly evaluate the quality of various certifications thanks to this. Businesses and academic institutions would easily be able to contrast our credentials with those gained through other assessments in their nation.

The six levels of CEFR are

  • A1
  • A2
  • B1
  • B2
  • C1
  • C2


The person speaks English at a basic level. able to understand words and standard terminology in situations requiring immediate attention (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).


This person is capable of communicating in simple and normal tasks that call for a clear and unambiguous flow of information on usual and routine issues. In this lesson, the learner uses simple language to explain his or her background, local surroundings, and pressing needs.


This course has been created for those who are just starting out and have very little prior knowledge of the English language. Along with fundamental primary and secondary communication abilities, this course’s curriculum also includes listening, speaking, reading, writing, and error analysis.


Possess the ability to comprehend and employ simple sentences and words that are intended to satiate concrete demands. can introduce themselves and others, as well as ask and respond to inquiries about personal information including where they live, who they know, and what they own. can communicate easily and simply with others as long as they are willing to assist and speak slowly, able to comprehend the key ideas of plain standard input on well-known topics frequently met at work, in school, at leisure, etc. can handle the majority of problems that can occur while travelling in a region where the language is spoken


can indeed comprehend phrases and expressions relating to topics of urgent importance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). capable of communicating in simple and ordinary tasks requiring a straightforward exchange of information on everyday, common topics as well as able to comprehend the key ideas of plain standard input on well-known topics frequently met at work, in school, at leisure, etc. can handle the majority of problems that can occur while travelling in a region where the language is spoken. can write straightforward, coherent text about familiar or interesting topics. able to express events, dreams, and hopes.


possesses the ability to comprehend the major concepts of complicated texts on both concrete and abstract issues, including technical talks in their area of expertise. can communicate with native speakers with a level of spontaneity and fluency that allows frequent interaction with them possible without any stress on either party. can write content that is both clear and informative on a variety of topics and convey a point of view on a current issue by weighing the benefits and drawbacks of several options.


capable to comprehend a variety of difficult, lengthy texts and discern underlying meaning. may speak clearly and naturally without constantly seeking for the right words to say. possess the ability to effectively and flexibly employ language in social, academic, and professional contexts. can write writing that is understandable, well-organized, and thorough on complicated subjects while skillfully using organizational patterns, linkages, and cohesive devices.